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I was a guest on Woodchat

It is funny how the online woodworking community has grown.  In the last year, it has exploded and it seems that every night there is some opportunity to chat with other woodworkers and exchange ideas.  Woodchat started as a Twitter based meeting where woodworkers could talk about anything and everything.  It has matured into more of a hosted show using multiple social streams and a central video feed.  The one thing that hasn’t changed is it is just a couple of woodworkers hanging out and talking about woodworking projects, techniques, and shops.  It is an informal gathering to bounce ideas around and maybe learn some stuff along the way.

So I was asked to be a special guest on the show and I had a good time talking about my woodworking origins with Matt Gradwohl and Chris Wong.  Check it out and make sure to stop on Wednesdays each week to participate via chat or video, it is a lot of fun.

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